Humans 4 Health
No Judgement, No Limits
We believe that the key to healthy lifestyles comes from a community of real people and honest collaboration. We are building a network of advocates and professionals that want to educate, encourage, and inspire each other to achieve their goal of a healthy life.
Goals and Commitments
H4H began with stroke prevention in mind, to educate the public on the benefits of healthy lifestyles in preventing this terrible illness. To do this, we wanted to host fitness events that educate the public, encourage donations, and inspire others to turn a new leaf on healthy lifestyles. We hope to expand our mission and work with healthcare providers across Florida & the nation.
Goal 1: Educate
Educate our community about healthy lifestyles that help Central Florida become the Nation’s premier location for neurological health, education, prevention, research, and rehabilitation.
Goal 2: Encourage
Encourage our community to participate in fitness events and raise funds to support neurological care.
Goal 3: Inspire
To inspire YOU to seek healthy lifestyles.
I have a personal connection to this initiative. I lost my mother to stroke complications in May of 2018.
Rick Dandrow, Founder of Humans4Health
My Mother, Mary Ann, had suffered some minor stroke episodes leading up to the final brain injury in May 2018 and days later she was gone.
At the end of that same year, I had a close friend suffer a stroke. He is two years younger than I, and continues to this day, to try and regain the lifestyle he once had. Two years later, he continues to fight. What is so impressive about my dear friend James and his Wife Margaret, is their never ending will to fight. A fight that requires endurance, a fight that requires multiple layers of care. A fight that has been supported by family and friends, and their love of God. What is astounding, Is that I have never personally witnessed James and Margaret without a smile. Negative attitudes have not been present in their recovery.
It is their will and determination that has inspired me to dedicate our first fundraising initiative to the professionals who have provided care to James throughout the recovery journey he has so impressively stayed committed.
James's care has been provided by the medical professionals of AdventHealth Central Florida.
Lending a Helping Hand
There are many organizations looking out to help us be healthy and stay in peak fitness, but they need our help. There are many ways we can help prevent a tragedy and keep everyone safe, and our network of medical professionals are there to make sure we can understand how to live through a deliberating health condition and come out on top to be in our best form yet.
Donate today and help our Mission!